Spring (??) Basket Classes
My March was filled with traveling and teaching basket classes- I put on over 3200 miles, traveled through nine states and taught 18 basket classes. It was busy. It was fun. I am tired. Since all of my miles brought me south of Wisconsin, I was hoping to experience spring. There were signs … wild daffodils in Kentucky, redbud in North Carolina. And I was able to enjoy coffee outside with a dear friend. However, winter was also evident – two days of snow in North Carolina and at least six inches of that white stuff on the ground in the Virginia mountains. All the while my husband kept reporting signs of spring at home. So I came home 🙂
I’ve been home a few days – now that I am settled in, I thought I would share some pictures (well, okay, a lot of pictures – I did teach a lot). Then I plan retreat to the studio to weave 🙂 the best kind of therapy.
My first event was Woven Together in Western Kentucky